PT Mitra Integrasi Informatika (MII) received an award from PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) as the
Best Vendor
Head Office
Pertamina Hulu Energi
Pertamina Hulu Energi is Pertamina's Upstream Subholding which has entrusted various procurement projects in the IT field to MII for more than a dozen years.
This award is an appreciation from Pertamina Hulu Energi to MII for being a trusted partner with the best performance during 2024.
The award was handed over by
Djoko Nurpawito
Senior Manager
SCM System & Performance
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
Kartiwan Johanes
PT Mitra Integrasi Informatika
at the event
'Pertamina Hulu Energi Vendor Day 2024' at Raffles Hotel Jakarta,
on Tuesday, October 8, 2024
This achievement further strengthens MII's partnership with PHE so that the company's long-term work targets can be achieved, especially within the scope of IT systems.
Congratulation MII!
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